Welcome - Clothing with a Conscience
Welcome to the Clothing with a Conscience blog in conjunction with Responsible Global Fashion LLC! I will be using this blog as a means of addressing current topics and issues around responsible design, sourcing, manufacturing, and retailing of fashion merchandise. I will also share information about some of my favorite brands, videos, and related resources.
I run into lots of people who want to make consciously responsible decisions with their purchases. When it comes to fashion, they want to buy clothing with a conscience. I wish I had a nickel for every time someone has asked me “what fashion brands should [or shouldn’t] I buy?” And I wish I had a list that I could share of fashion brands that were perfectly responsible all of the time. Unfortunately, such a list is impossible. Granted, there are brands that do great work and pride themselves in being authentically responsible around specific aspects of the supply chain – be it sustainable materials, zero waste design, worker pay and engagement, fair trade strategies, supply chain transparency, and so forth. I will highlight such brands in this blog. But all brands, whether new or established, are challenged to design, manufacture, and distribute merchandise through authentically responsible and transparent processes. I will also highlight and address some of these challenges through this blog.
In the spirit of full disclosure, please know that I am not being paid or compensated by the brands or organizations that I include in my blog. If I am, I will be sure to disclose this information.
I welcome comments and feedback! Open conversations and information sharing are imperative for us to truly make a difference in our industries. As such, I look forward this on-going dialogue!
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